Thank you for contacting Food Lion regarding your request for
our support. Food Lion's philanthropic focus is on ending hunger in
the towns and cities we serve through Food Lion Feeds, our
hunger-relief initiative.
Food Lion Feeds was created in 2014 to help our neighbors
experiencing hunger within the communities we served. At
that time, we set a goal of donating 500M meals by 2020. We
achieved that goal in mid-2019. We then committed to donating one
billion more meals by the end of 2025. TOGETHER, we are well on our
way of achieving that goal.
Food Lion values the contributions
of the many volunteer and community groups and organizations that
raise funds for important causes in the towns and cities we serve.
To that end, we may allow 501(c)3 charitable organizations who are
fundraising for local causes to solicit outside of our stores on
Saturdays up to two times per calendar year when Food Lion is not
running an in-store charitable campaign. *
Charitable organizations may apply
up to two times per calendar
year to solicit on these Saturday dates only:
Dates in 2025:
- January 25
- February 1, 15
- March 29
- April 5, 12, 19, 26
- May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
- June 7, 14
- July 19, 26
- August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
- September 6, 13
- October 25
- November 1
Some additional solicitation guidelines to keep in mind
- Bake sales, open food or drink, car washes and membership
drives are not allowed. Food Lion also strictly prohibits any
individual or group from petitioning or distributing any type of
literature on our premises.
- Solicitations are permitted on Saturdays only. Only one
charity can solicit at a store on a given Saturday. Charitable
organizations may solicit twice in a calendar year.
- Solicitors are not allowed before sunrise or after
- Solicitation is permitted to the right of the door entrance
(facing the store) at least 15 feet from the doorway to enable
customers to enter and exit the store comfortably.
- Two solicitors may be present for each approved event. If the
event is youth-related, two adults and two children should be
- The area of solicitation should be kept neat, clean and
professional in appearance. Solicitors should present
professional courteous behavior.
- Solicitors must adhere to all state and local CDC guidelines
that may be in place.
Food Lion reserves the right to deny access to any group or
person at its discretion or revoke any access provided at the sole
discretion of Food Lion management. No person shall unduly
interfere with the normal use of our stores, including ingress to
and egress from these stores, employees' work and customers'
shopping. Further, the person(s) should not interfere with the
operation of other businesses that may be located nearby. The Store
Manager has the right to deny solicitation if the above procedures
are not followed.
Please note all contributions are made at the sole discretion of
Food Lion or its charitable foundation, Food Lion Feeds Charitable
Foundation. It is our goal to ensure that all donations from Food
Lion are provided to organizations that treat its constituents
fairly and with equality, and that these organizations do not
discriminate based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, national
origin, sexual orientation or gender identity.
*A local Store is described as within a 10-mile radius of the
organization's location.